
Lujiang is a station on Line 8 of the Guangzhou Metro. For more details view the ExploreGuangzhou interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Lujiang
Chinese (simplified) 鹭江
Located on Line 8
Code 8-22

Map of Lujiang

Tips near Lujiang

Pet clinic exit c towards the lights. No English but vet is very patient


Nov 23, 2013

Sushi restaurant exit a also Italian restaurant great food at both sushi$$$ Italian $$


Nov 23, 2013

Close to the McDonald's (walk 5 minutes)


Feb 16, 2015

Exit B has many little shops and restaurants. There is also a McDonalds with many baby stores nearby.

hot stuff

Jun 10, 2015

casa rima


Apr 22, 2018

BOC TAKE EXIT C and go left


Jul 9, 2021

take Exit C and walk 500m- South China Sea institute of Oceanology, CAS and East gate of Sun Yat-sen University


8 months ago

Exit B, walk 200m-Xinhai Hospital


8 months ago

Exit A- Walk 40mm: Vanguard supershop


8 months ago

exit B, 200m: China Construction Bank


8 months ago

First train/Last train

Photos near Lujiang

Copyright: kevinfinisterre

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  • SDC10503 SDC10503

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