
Xiancun is a station on Line 18 of the Guangzhou Metro. For more details view the ExploreGuangzhou interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Xiancun
Chinese (simplified) 冼村
Located on Line 18

Map of Xiancun

Tips near Xiancun

Tianhe 7


Apr 5, 2023

First train/Last train

Photos near Xiancun

Taking the Line 18 Subway

Taking the Line 18 Subway
Copyright: yeldahtron https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Taking the Line 18 Subway Taking the Line 18 Subway
  • 000065 000065
  • Guangzhou Guangzhou
  • Outdoors Outdoors
  • 阿傑和他的好朋友們 阿傑和他的好朋友們
  • Morning Rush, Guangzhou Morning Rush, Guangzhou
  • IMG_20181202_200545 IMG_20181202_200545
  • IMG_20181202_200617 IMG_20181202_200617
  • IMG_20181202_201218 IMG_20181202_201218
  • IMG_20181202_201225 IMG_20181202_201225
  • IMG_20181202_201236 IMG_20181202_201236
  • Vinyl House Vinyl House

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.